Pennsylvania salary data

Publisher: Pennsylvania Start Date: 2019 End Date: 2019 Record Count: 117,735

Collection: Public employees
Description: Salary data for state employees in Pennsylvania for 2019. Missing data is intentionally left blank. Note the following about this data, according to the Pennsylvania Office of Administration: This is technically state employee compensation data. Salary is a merely a projection of annual earnings based on an employee's bi-weekly pay at a specific point in time. Compensation is the employee's state-taxable income and includes earnings from salary, as well as overtime and any other types of payments that are considered income. We use Box 16 of an employee’s W-2 statement to report compensation. Even if an employee earned the same salary for an entire year, it would still not match their compensation because certain payroll deductions, such as health care contributions, are not subject to state tax. The compensation report reflects anyone who was employed and earned income at any time from 1/1/19 to 12/31/19. The first names of Corrections Officers are not listed. This is the result of a court ruling some years back that determined this information is not public, due to the potential risk to their safety if a former inmate were to try to locate them. There are certain employees who are totally exempt from being listed in accordance with Pennsylvania's open records law. Exemptions may be related to an employee's job duties, such as certain types of investigators and undercover agents, or due to personal circumstances, such as having a protection from abuse order filed against another person or being the spouse of a judge. The judicial branch is not included in this database.

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